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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Study Group: Physical security and FPGAs - Part II

In this week's study group we resumed the topic of FPGA Security and discussed issues covered by 4 papers:

Amir Moradi and Alessandro Barenghi and Timo Kasper and Christof Paar
“On the Vulnerability of FPGA Bitstream Encryption against Power Analysis Attacks – Extracting Keys from Xilinx Virtex-II FPGAs” [pdf]

Amir Moradi and Markus Kasper and Christof Paar “On the Portability of Side-Channel Attacks – An Analysis of the Xilinx Virtex 4, Virtex 5, and Spartan 6 Bitstream Encryption Mechanism” [pdf]

Tim Güneysu and Amir Moradi “Generic Side-Channel Countermeasures for Reconfigurable Devices” [pdf]

G. Canivet, P. Maistri, R. Leveugle, J. Clédière, F. Valette and M. Renaudin
“Glitch and Laser Fault Attacks onto a Secure AES Implementation on a SRAM-Based FPGA” [pdf]

The study was moderated by Dan and Simon. Dan started his talk with a short introduction to FPGAs and described the main building blocks in SRAM-based FPGAs such as LUTs, embedded memory blocks, dedicated blocks for multiplication or additions. He also briefly described the potential weaknesses in terms of security.

In short, FPGA could be used to implement third party design and those designs sometimes have to be protected against counterfeiting. One mechanism that tries to solve this problem is bitstream encryption, where the vendor tool encrypts a bitstream using a symmetric key KBIT: once loaded to the FPGA another internal mechanism decrypts it using the (previously loaded) same symmetric key KBIT. The bitstream itself can consist of a variety of designs but one of them might be, e.g., Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) used as a cryptographic primitive. To perform an operation on AES this cryptographic primitive should be supplied by a symmetric key KAES.

There were three main questions set at the beginning of the Study Group that both Dan and Simon tried to answer based on the above-mentioned papers.

  • Can we recover the symmetric key used in the cryptographic primitive KAES?
  • Can we recover the symmetric KBIT used in bitstream protection via Differential Power Analysis?
  • What kind of countermeasures can we use to prevent DPA attacks that reveal KAES?

The first presented paper is addressed at question 1. Authors describe a fault injector platform for SRAM-based FPGA devices. Faults can be induced in the experiment by voltage glitches or laser attacks. Apart from practical issues, another interesting feature of the paper is the fault model for SRAM-based FPGA devices. In the presented model, authors described the following types of errors: no effect: the internal state of the circuit was not modified at all, silent errors: the state of the circuit is modified, but the result is correct and no error is detected, false positives: there actually is an alteration, and an alarm is raised, but the result is nonetheless correct, detected errors: the fault led to an unexpected result and it was successfully detected, undetected errors: no error is detected, but the cipher is not the expected value.

There are few techniques available in the literature to implement error detection. One of them is based on a temporal redundancy, where computation is performed twice (or more) and then the results are compared. Authors implemented AES as a target algorithm and used Dual Data Rate (DDR) as a fault detection scheme. The DDR implementation uses rising and falling edge to update a different set of registers and thus allows data to be parsed twice for each clock cycle. Then “saved” time can be used to compute results again and check them against faults. This architecture has been attacked by laser-based fault injections during runtime. Results showed that although DDR AES implementation is very resistant to transient faults, FPGA could be vulnerable to faults that modify configuration bitstream.

Another interesting paper presented (by Simon) during the Study Group dealt with countermeasures against KAES leakage from an FPGA device; i.e., what can we do with off-the-shelf SRAM-based FPGA fabric to prevent DPA? Authors focus in this case on a Viretx-5 device from Xilinx and combine a few techniques to make a DPA (especially first-order) more difficult, e.g. generating Gaussian Noise (using Shift Register LUTs, BRAM Write Collisions, Short Circuits in Switch Boxes), clock randomization (using Digital Clock Managers – DCMs), preventing clock frequency manipulation and block memory content scrabbling. As a result, authors present an FPGA armed with countermeasures ready to be used by non-side-channel-aware engineers. During a case study evaluation, authors showed once again that, in general, increasing a noise level is not a good idea to make your design secure against power attacks. More useful was an idea to use a Digital Clock Manager (DCM) available on FPGA chip and modified their output to achieve a pseudorandom clock behavior. In other words, the rising edge of a clock used in a design is “floating” in some range, which makes the power consumption more unpredictable. The strength of this approach was increased by preventing clock frequency manipulation method to mitigate known workarounds for clock frequency randomization techniques. The combination of all applied countermeasures increased the total number of traces measurements required to at least 100 million and even that did not guarantee the success of first-order DPA.

The last two papers presented by Simon describe practical attacks on the bitstream configuration mechanism. These are the first attacks described in the open literature that aim to reveal the bitstream protection key using side-channel methods, and according to authors it was successful for Virtex II, Virex-4 and Virex-5 devices. Because of the black-box approach (which means that the attacker has very limited knowledge about an internal design) authors had to answer a few additional questions to become familiar with the overall architecture, e.g., what type algorithm has been used, what is the mode of operation, is it a pipeline, loop or software implementation. A number of additional steps (for example, improving the S/N (signal to noise ratio) via filters and alignment techniques) had to be performed as well. Interestingly, in the case of Virtex-4 and Virex-5, GPUs have been used to speed up computation; with increasing complexity of DPA attacks this approach might be very useful for future studies.

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