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Friday, March 2, 2012

Study Group on Attacks on Software

The study group on March 2, 2012, 10:00am was done by Valentina and Georg (and obviously scribed by me). The main theme was attacks on software, with four papers on various topics being presented.

The first paper presented by Valentina (Cappos et al., A look in the mirror: attacks on package managers, CCS 2008) examined the security of software package repositories. A software package contains the actual files of the software, metadata on dependencies und the package's functionality, and optionally a signature. Additionally there might be "root metadata" which contains the metadata of multiple packages and an optional signature. Multiple software packages are hosted on a repository (which is usually authorative) and a number of (non-autorative) mirrors. Clients run package managers, which collect the required packages for installation.

Four different security modes have been evaluated in the paper:
  1. No security
  2. Signatures embedded with package
  3. Signature on detached metadata
  4. Signature on root metadata

The threat model for the security evaluation assumes that the attacker can communicate (e.g. via MITM or a hijacked mirror) with the package manager running on client under the following conditions:

  • Attacker can serve arbitrary files
  • Attacker does not know in advance which package will be requested
  • Attacker does not have the signing key used for signing packages, metadata, etc.
  • Attacker has access to outdated packages, outdated package metadata, and outdated root metadata
  • Attacker is aware of vulnerabilities in outdated packages and is able to exploit those
  • Attacker does not know vulnerabilities in latest version of packets
  • If packet manager supports signatues, they are used
  • If supported, expiration times in root metadata are used

Various attacks have been evaluated for the four security modes:

  • Sending an arbitrary package
  • Replay attack (sending an older package version)
  • Freeze attack (making newer package versions invisible)
  • Extraneous dependencies (rewrite of metadata)
  • Endless data (an endless data stream served by the attacker)

The results of the evaluation are that all security modes are vulnerable to at least some of the attacks. For sufficient security, several security mechanisms should be comined.

The second paper (presented by Georg) was Checkoway et al., Are Text-Only Data Formats Safe?
Or, Use This LaTeX Class File to Pwn Your Computer, LEET 2010.

The authors show how varios LaTeX/BiBTeX constructs could be used to infect machines with malware. The first example was the LaTeX \write command which allows (depending on the underlying platform) write access to the file system. On a MiKTeX installation on Windows this could allow access to any file, while on Linux, only files in or below the current directory with appropriate permissions would be subjected. A similar problem is posed by the LaTeX \read command, which allows to read from the file system. These threats could be partcularly harmful on servers which offer online LaTeX compilation services.

Countermeasures which scan selectively for \write and \read commands and sanitize them cannot be seen as a sufficient protection, due to the versatility of the LaTeX language. For example, the backslash character could be redefined (e.g. \ -> X) which in turn redefines the commands (Xwrite and Xread), thus defeating simple scanning.

Another possibility for introducing malware is the use of the BiBTeX @preamble{...} command, which inserts its argument into the LaTeX preamble. A virus could even be scattered across multiple @preamble commands to obscure it from scanners.

Also, LaTeX class and style files present another option for pushing malware onto a host, especially if their use is mandated for a specific conference.

Denial-of-service attacks (especially on online LaTeX processing services) could be achieved with "endless loop" constructs like "\loop \iftrue \repeat" and "\def \nothing {\nothing}".

The third paper, Brumley et al, Remote Timing attacks are still practical, IACR Eprint 2011/232, was again presented by Valentina. It examines the timing vulnerabilities in OpenSSL v0.98, which have been reported in CERT VU #36044. The concrete example is Montgomery point multiplication, which is usually immune to timing attacks, but in OpenSSL becomes vulnerable due to some optimization techniques applied in the software implementation. The attack works in two phases by 1) collecting a number of signatures and 2) a lattice attack. In the lattice attack, the attacker takes advantage of the length of the scalar k. For example, if the scalar k has 6 leading zeros, the success probablitliy of the attack is 1 with only 50 signatures.

Georg presented the last paper: Nguyen et al., Can We Trust Cryptographic Software? Cryptographic Flaws in GNU Privacy Guard v1.2.3, EUROCRYPT 2004. GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) is an open-source implementation of the PGP program, capable of encrypting and signing emails. It is deployed with all major Linux distributions and at the time of the writing of the paper, version 1.2.3 was the most current version of GPG.

It turns out that tweaks for efficiency (concerning the generation of random parameters) in the software create vulnerabilities. This concerns ElGamal signatures (selectable in "expert mode" over the default of DSA). The attack is very efficient, requiring only one signature and one second of CPU time. As mitigation, the use of DSA is suggested by the authors.

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