This blog post is the second in a series of three in which we describe what SPDZ is. The first part can be found here and the third here.
The Preprocessing Model
The preprocessing model is a framework in which we assume the existence of a 'trusted dealer' who distributes 'raw material' to the parties before any circuit evaluation takes place. The reason for doing this is that if we have the 'raw material' already in place, the circuit can be evaluated very efficiently.We realise this by splitting the protocol into two phases: a 'preprocessing' (or 'offline') phase where we generate the preprocessed data, and an 'online' phase where we evaluate the circuit. (The term 'offline' is a little misleading, since the parties still communicate.)
Evaluating the Circuit
We now suppose that the parties have agreed on some arithmetic circuit they want to evaluate jointly.Providing input
first step of the circuit evaluation is to read in values from (some
of) the parties. In SPDZ, this means getting each party with input,
P_i with x^i (the superscript i is an index to avoid confusion
with x_i which is a share of x), to secret-share input x^i to the
other parties.
do this, we need to use a share of a random value: each party P_i
holds some r_i and the value r = \sum_i r_i is uniformly random and
not known by any party. First, every party sends their share r_j of
r to party P_i. This is called a 'partial opening' because P_i now
discovers the value of r (by summing the shares).
Party P_i then broadcasts the value x^i - r. Party P_1 sets its share of x^i as x_1^i=r_1 + x^i - r, and P_j for j > 1 sets its share of x^i as x^i_j=r_j. (In practice, it is not always P_1 who does a different computation.)
Thus we have turned x^i into \langle x^i \rangle.
Party P_i then broadcasts the value x^i - r. Party P_1 sets its share of x^i as x_1^i=r_1 + x^i - r, and P_j for j > 1 sets its share of x^i as x^i_j=r_j. (In practice, it is not always P_1 who does a different computation.)
Thus we have turned x^i into \langle x^i \rangle.
we want to compute some arithmetic circuit on our data; that is, some
series of additions and multiplications. We have the following very
useful properties of an additive sharing scheme:
- If we have some secret-shared field elements \langle a \rangle and \langle b \rangle, so party P_i has a_i and b_i, each party can locally compute a_i + b_i, and hence, since \sum_i a_i + \sum_i b_i = \sum_i (a_i+b_i), they obtain a secret sharing \langle a + b \rangle of the value a+b.
- If each party multiplies its share by some public value \alpha, then since \sum_i \alpha a_i = \alpha \sum_i a_i = \alpha a the parties obtain a secret sharing \langle \alpha a \rangle of the value \alpha a.
other words, the secret-sharing is linear; this is good because it
means there is no communication cost for doing these operations.
Unfortunately, we have to do a bit more work to multiply secret-shared
1991, Donald Beaver [2] observed the following: suppose we want to
compute \langle x y \rangle given some \langle x \rangle and
\langle y \rangle, and we already have three secret-shared values,
called a ‘triple’, \langle a \rangle, \langle b \rangle and \langle
c \rangle such that c = a b. Then note that if each party broadcasts
x_i-a_i and y_i - b_i, then each party P_i can compute x-a and
y-b (so these values are publicly known), and hence compute
z_i=c_i + (x-a) b_i + (y-b) a_i
Additionally, one party (chosen arbitrarily) adds on the public value (x-a)(y-b) to their share so that summing all the shares up, the parties get
\sum_i z_i = c + (x-a)b + (y-b)a + (x-a)(y-b) = xy
and so they have a secret sharing \langle z \rangle of xy.
upshot is that if we have lots of triples, then we can perform many
multiplications on secret-shared data and hence we can compute any
arithmetic circuit. (Note that a triple cannot be reused because this
would reveal information about the secrets we are trying to multiply -
i.e. since x-a and y-b are made public in the process above)
observe that not only do these triples not depend on the input
secret-shared values they are used to multiply, they are also completely
independent of the circuit to be evaluated. This means that we can
generate these triples at any point prior to evaluating the circuit. The
values of a, b and c are not known by any parties when generated -
each party only knows a share of each of 'some values' for which they
are told this relation holds.
Combining the above, we have now established roughly how SPDZ evaluates an arithmetic circuit.
Next time: In the final part, we will look at what makes SDPZ different from other MPC protocols which achieve the same thing.
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