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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How to stop the NSA from tampering with your vote

I'm just back from a two-day PhD Voting Workshop in Switzerland. A great event in many ways, from the location (all security events should be held in castles from now on!) to the food. Oh, and we talked about voting too.

Few people understand what cryptographic voting is really about but a lot of organisations and even nations are waking up to the idea of voting online. The two are of course not the same thing: by cryptographic voting we mean a lot more than SSL/TLS.

Some examples: Switzerland at the moment has neither online nor cryptographic voting at a national level, Estonia has online voting but it's not cryptographic in the way we use the word, Israel uses cryptographic but not online voting for primaries (wombat-voting.com) and Norway has an online, cryptographic (in our sense of the word) system.

The moment you decide to implement online voting, you run into the whole area of computer and internet security issues: malware, password problems, man-in-the-middle attacks, the NSA and so on. Cryptography can't solve these problems entirely but it can add an extra safeguard: verifiability.

A verifiable election typically uses a "bulletin board" on which everyone posts their ballot, usually an encrypted form of their vote. Any voter can save a copy of their ballot and check later on that it's still on the board and hasn't been tampered with. Better still, any member of the public can take a look at the board and check that each ballot there is valid and that the announced election results match the ballots on the board. This is like putting a camera in the vote-counting centre and letting the whole world watch the counting process, with the difference that everyone's vote is kept secret even though the count is public.

At the workshop this year we had many interesting talks. Some were on existing systems like the Estonian scheme, the UniVote system used at Swiss universities or the Primesvote system used by shareholders of the Swiss bank UBS. Others talked about new systems under devlopment, with two separate projects looking at bringing cryptographic voting to smartphones.

What impressed me most as opposed to some other conferences I've been at was the very practical aspect, every talk either about a system that exists for real or one the speakers are trying to build in the coming years. Cryptographic voting as an idea has been around for over 30 years now but there's still many challenges in bringing it to the market. Meanwhile, the market is definitely there if we can build systems that are usable in practice.

So what about the NSA? Well, anyone deploying online voting secured by nothing more than a padlock icon is just opening the door to them - we know that they can get around that kind of cryptography if they really want to. But Snowden also said that cryptography works "if done properly" - and I consider cryptographically verifiable voting to be the only proper way to hold elections online.

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