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Monday, November 11, 2013

These are not the packets you are looking for.

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is now a common tool in the management of computer networks. On the positive side it can be used to help improve network performance but more negatively, it can aid businesses or nation states in data mining, eavesdropping and Internet Censorship. So how does it work? Most modern DPI systems use regular expressions as a means to define a fingerprint for a particular protocol. Packets can then be examined to see whether they match with this expression/fingerprint.

On the Tuesday morning of CCS Kevin Dyer explained how to fool a regular-expression based DPI system to incorrectly classify a connection as that of the attacker's choice, for example make Tor traffic look like regular HTTP traffic. The paper he presented is entitled "Protocol Misidentification Made Easy with Format-Transforming Encryption" and is joint work with Scott Coull, Tom Ristenpart and Tom Shrimpton [pdf]. To perform such misidentification attacks they introduce a new cryptographic primitive called Format-Transforming Encryption (FTE). 

An FTE scheme, just like any other encryption scheme, is defined by three algorithms: key generation, encryption and decryption. The difference arises in the fact that in FTE the encryption scheme takes as input the key k, message m and in addition a message format F. The ciphertext that is output by the encryption algorithm shall be contained in the language L(F) defined by F. Similarly, for decryption the message format must be given as input. It is easy to see that this is in fact a generalisation of Format-Preserving Encryption introduced by Bellare et al. [pdf], where the message format of both the plaintext and the ciphertext are the same.

An FTE scheme can be created by using an "Encrypt-then-Unrank" construction. More specifically, first a message is encrypted using a secure authenticated encryption scheme (the implementation given in the paper uses an Encrypt-then-MAC construction with Counter mode and HMAC). Next the ciphertext is treated as an integer in {0, 1, ..., |L(F)|-1} and is encoded using a function unrank which maps the inputs to an element in the language L(F). (In order to decrypt, unrank must be a bijection with an efficiently computable inverse rank). The paper builds on this scheme by describing how to construct a full FTE record layer which can be used to transform the format of arbitrary streams of TCP traffic.

The paper gives full details of the experiments they carried showing their (near perfect) success in fooling almost all of the studied DPI systems into continually misclassifying packets (the only blip was the SSH classifier of the nProbe DPI system).  Further to this they also studied the efficiency of FTE where the bandwidth overhead can be as small as 16%. Most interesting of all, in addition to the experimental results, Kevin described how they were able to successfully use the system to prevent Internet censorship. The Great Firewall of China is known to block a number of websites including Facebook and YouTube. By setting up an FTE tunnel between the USA and China, Kevin and his co-authors were able to successfully view censored websites within China. Building on this they were also able to successfully use the FTE tunnel to route Tor traffic between the China and the US (Winter and Lindskog recently showed Tor was also being actively blocked [pdf]).

For anyone interesting in using their FTE implementation it is freely available here.

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