This is
the fourth blog post talking about '52 Things Every PhD Student Should Know' to do Cryptography, and the first on the topic of
Theoretical Computer Science. In this post, I've been asked to define
the complexity class P. Having recently joined the Cryptography group
at Bristol as a Mathematician, I knew very little theoretical
computer science when I first started my PhD and I'm sure there will
be plenty of others in my situation, so this blog will start right
from the beginning and you can skip over parts you know already.
First, we'll give an overview of what complexity means and why it
matters, then we'll define Turing machines, and finally arrive at the
complexity class P, concluding with an example.
Most of
the content of this post is a reworking of parts of Introduction to
the Theory of Computation by Michael Sipser [1], which I have found
hugely helpful.
1: Complexity and Big O Notation
We want
to know how difficult a given task is for a computer to do in order to
design efficient programs. The trouble is that the processing power
of a computer varies massively depending on the hardware (e.g. see
last week's '52 Things' blog).
So we want a measure of the difficulty of a task that doesn't depend
on the specific details of the machine performing the task. One way
to do this is to bound the number of operations that a certain model
of a computer would take to do it. This is called (time) complexity theory.
Typically, though, the number of operations required will depend on the input to the task and may vary even with inputs of the same length. As a pertinent example, say we design a computer program which tells you whether or not an integer you input is prime. If we give as input the number 256, the program will probably output 'not prime' sooner than if we had given it the number 323 (even though they both have length 9 when written as binary integers, for example), since the first integer has a very small prime factor (2) and the second has larger factors (17 and 19). Therefore we usually opt for a worst-case analysis where we record the longest running time of all inputs of a particular length. So we obtain an algebraic expression t(n) that reflects the longest running time of all inputs of length n.
Typically, though, the number of operations required will depend on the input to the task and may vary even with inputs of the same length. As a pertinent example, say we design a computer program which tells you whether or not an integer you input is prime. If we give as input the number 256, the program will probably output 'not prime' sooner than if we had given it the number 323 (even though they both have length 9 when written as binary integers, for example), since the first integer has a very small prime factor (2) and the second has larger factors (17 and 19). Therefore we usually opt for a worst-case analysis where we record the longest running time of all inputs of a particular length. So we obtain an algebraic expression t(n) that reflects the longest running time of all inputs of length n.
when the input length n becomes very large, we can neglect all but
the most dominant term in the expression and also ignore any constant
factors. This is called asymptotic analysis; we assume n is
enormous and ask roughly how many steps the model of computation will
take to 'finish' when given the worst possible input of length n,
writing our answer in the form
\mathcal{O}\left(t\left(n\right)\right). For example, if we find
that our process takes 6n^3 – n^2 + 1 steps, we write that it is
\mathcal{O}\left(n^{3}\right), since all other terms can be ignored
for very large n.
2: Turing Machines
Now we
give the model that is most often used in the kind of calculations
performed in Section 1. First, recall that an alphabet is a non-empty
finite set and a string is a finite sequence of elements (symbols)
from an alphabet. A language is simply a set of strings.
A Turing
machine models what real computers can do. Its 'memory' is an
infinitely long tape. At any time, each square of the tape is either
blank or contains a symbol from some specified alphabet. The machine
has a tape head that can move left or right along the tape, one
square at a time, and read from and write to that square. At first,
the tape is all blank except for the leftmost n squares which
constitute the input (none of which can be blank so that it is clear
where the input ends). The tape head starts at the leftmost square,
reads the first input symbol and then decides what to do next
according to a transition function. The transition function depends
on what it reads at the square it is currently on and the state that
the machine is currently in (like a record of what it has done so
far) and returns
- a new state
- another symbol to write to the square it is on (though this symbol might be the same as what was already written there)
- a direction to move in: left or right.
machine will continue to move one square at a time, read a symbol,
evaluate the transition function, write a symbol and move again,
until its state becomes some specified accept state or reject state.
If the
machine ends up in the accept state, we say it accepts its input.
Similarly it may reject its input. In either case we say the machine
halts on its input. But note that it may enter a loop without
accepting or rejecting i.e. it may never halt. If a Turing machine
accepts every string in some language and rejects all other strings,
then we say the machine decides that language. We can think of this
as the machine testing whether or not the input string is a member of
the language. Given a language, if there is a Turing machine that decides it, we say the language is decidable.
power of this model comes from the fact that a Turing machine can do
everything that a real computer can do (this is called the Church-Turing thesis [2]). We define the time complexity
class \mathrm{TIME}\left(t\left(n\right)\right) to be the
collection of all languages that are decidable by an
\mathcal{O}\left(t\left(n\right)\right) time Turing machine, then
we turn computational problems into questions about language
membership (is an input string a member of a certain language? e.g. does
this string representing an integer belong to the language of strings
representing prime integers?) and can partition computational
problems into time complexity classes.
3: The Complexity Class P
we arrive at the purpose of this blog! If t(n) = n^k for some k >
0 then \mathcal{O}\left(t\left(n\right)\right) is called
polynomial time. The complexity class P is the class of all languages
that are decidable in polynomial time by a Turing machine. Since k
could be very large, such Turing machines are not necessarily all
practical, (let alone 'fast'!), but this class is a rough model for what can be realistically
achieved by a computer. Note that the class P is fundamentally
different to those languages where t(n) has n in an exponent,
such as 2^n, which grow much, much faster as n increases – so
fast that even if you have a decider for some language, you may find
that the universe ends before it halts on your input!
conclude with an example of a polynomial time problem. Suppose you
have a directed graph (a set of nodes and edges where there is at
most one edge between any pair of nodes and each edge has an arrow
indicating a direction). Then if we encode the graph and the two
nodes as a single string, we can
form a language consisting of those strings representing a graph and
two nodes such that it is possible to follow the edges from the
first node and eventually arrive at the second. So a decider for this
language will effectively answer the question of whether there is a
path from the first node A to the second B, called the path problem,
by accepting or rejecting the graph and nodes you input. We give a decider for this
language and show that it decides in polynomial time.
- First put a mark on A.
- Scan all the edges of the graph. If you find an edge from a marked node to an unmarked node, mark the unmarked node.
- Repeat the above until you mark no new nodes.
- If B is marked, accept. Otherwise, reject.
This process successively marks the nodes
that are reachable from A by a path of length 1, then a path of
length 2, and so on. So it is clear that a Turing machine
implementing the above is a decider for our language. Now we consider
the time complexity of this algorithm. If we couldn't do steps 1 and
4 in polynomial time, our machine would be terrible! So we focus on
steps 2 and 3. Step 2 involves searching the input and placing a mark
on one square, which is clearly polynomial time in the size of the
input. Step 3 repeats step 2 no more times than the number of nodes,
which is necessarily less than the size of the input (since the input must encode all the nodes of the graph) and is hence
polynomial (in particular, linear) in the size of the input.
Therefore the whole algorithm is polynomial time and so we say the path
problem is in P.
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