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Friday, October 17, 2014

Study group: witness-indistinguishable proofs (2014-10-16)

Zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs are a fairly common object in cryptography. What's less common knowledge: zero-knowledge does not compose well. For example, for every interactive ZK prover/verifier (P,V), you can build another pair (\overline P, \overline V) that is still a ZK proof of the same language but running two prover/verifier instances in parallel leaks a witness.

Back in the early days of ZK, Feige and Shamir came up with an alternative notion called witness indistinguishability (WI). This says that (for some NP language) if v, w are two witnesses to a statement x then a proof using v is indistinguishable from one using w. For some languages like "discrete logarithms" this property holds trivially but once there are several witnesses it becomes interesting. For example, a WI proof of a witness to a Pedersen commitment G^x H^r is guaranteed not to reveal x, just like the original commitment itself. And WI is closed under composition. In fact, you can do a strong (and composable) form of WI that is information-theoretic and holds even if the verifier knows the witnesses in question, i.e. the proof is statistically independent of the witness.

The second topic we looked at are ZAPs. No-one seems to know what ZAP stands for but it's a two-round WI proof in the plain model (plain-ZK would require at least 3 rounds). The idea: start with a "common random string"-model non-interactive ZK scheme. In round 1, the verifier picks a lot of random strings r_1, \ldots, r_k. In round 2, the prover picks one random r and sets c_i = r_i \oplus r to get k different CRS values. The prover then sends a CRS-NIZK proof for each of these values; the verifier accepts if all of them verify. An argument on the probability of a proof for a false statement going through on a random CRS then says that the soundness error of this construction is negligible in k.

At CRYPTO '03, Barak et al. further showed how to derandomise ZAPs.

Our final application is a 3-round OT scheme. To transfer a bit, verifier picks an RSA modulus N = pq. The prover sends a random string r  and the verifier replies with two random elements y_0, y_1 and a ZAP  w.r.t. r that at least one is a quadratic residue mod N. The prover then picks two random x_0, x_1 and sends y_0^{b_0} \cdot x_0^2 and y_1^{b_1} \cdot x_1^2. The verifier can recover one bit by checking which of the two values is not a quadratic residue. To OT a whole bitstring, this protocol can be done for all bits in parallel. This is where it is important that the ZAP (which is WI) still works under concurrent composition.

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